Ask the real owner of the m5 to use the experience and advantages and disadvantages

I have tested the Tang Han ideal before. To be honest, Bia

Di pure electric can also be hybrid, regardless of (no car companies are hacked here)

Personal opinion), I don’t like this model, it’s kind of middle-aged

Uncle feels that the y-suspension is too hard for the second car, thinking

Be comfortable, and then the family has been against it for fear of stepping on it

Live?. It’s not at all –

Feeling. I happened to have dinner with friends and need to change an electricity.

The car, my friend said that his colleague bought it very well, and said yes.

Let me try it, extended range (because we are compared

Okay, we are together every three to five. My friends know that I have returned to my hometown more often.

More than 600 kilometers back and forth), let me see, commute every day with pure

Electricity, you can refuel for long distances, that’s a compliment, I’m true

I’m a little excited to think it’s that good. Bad weekend break –


Not far away from 8km, there is a store calling a colleague to go for a test drive experience

To be honest, the experience is really good, first

First, the power is very sufficient, and the sense of pushing back is obvious. It moves more than my gasoline car

It’s too strong, and the chassis feels very good to me, cornering

The speed bumps are very stable, and there is no bump at all. Driving experience

It’s quite nice, and the car is intelligent. I still don’t say


Experience such a smooth car system at one time, the voice assistant is small

The art is also smart, the response is fast and accurate, which is better than my home. The appearance, power and comfort are available for some configurations. There is no need to choose.

This is more conscientious than the 2.3-ton car all-aluminum site, which is packaged.

That’s called a strict one. I was directly favored by the circle, and I made an appointment at noon the next day.

After sales, go to my lover’s company for a test drive (before buying a car and deciding)

How much do you have to notify) Good guy, after my daughter-in-law test drives, she

Two colleagues in the company had a test drive twice, which kept the sales busy.

After the test drive, I went back to discuss it in the evening. The price is within the budget, just

It’s up.

Again, driving 2,000 kilometers is a feeling

Let’s start with the advantages.

1. Dynamic ejection accelerates for 4.6 seconds (although no official data has been played)

That’s called a fierce one. I was driving a lot. At that time, the oil truck started

4000-5000 rpm speed limit 60 running 80-100-120 is normal

I’m driving and don’t allow traffic lights. There are faster than I start (better than us)

The car can’t help but be cowardly) If you drive the M5, you haven’t lost since you started

Ow Ow Accelerate Ow Ow cool.

2. Appearance, not much to say about this, benevolent people see benevolence, wise people see wisdom

3. The car and machine are smooth

4. Audio, adjust the volume to 40 and overtake at will

5. The seat massage ventilation is really good. More than 200,000 are all equipped.

Talk about weaknesses

1. Automatic parking is too slow. I don’t like to use it. It’s okay for girls to use it (someone to help you park in is better than not being able to park in) 2. The car network is in the negative two parking lot, which is quite slow.

3. The vehicle space is still enough, why do you say that?

The wheelbase of 2880 is so large that it should have 7 seats and 5 seats.

It should be very spacious, which may also be because the front four ball cross arms are too occupied


Finally, let’s talk about battery life. In the case of pure electricity, it will be 150-160 in the urban area.

No problem at all, the battery life is more conscientious, and maybe I usually drive more

In addition, one turns on the air conditioner in summer. The oil has not been used much because it will return.

It was charged after a trip to my hometown 600 kilometers back and forth. It doesn’t count.

There is also a point that the high-speed 156 is very stable, and overall it is not bad.