Car Review Society | Are you optimistic about Xiaomi Automobile?

Car Review Observation "Car Review Society" No.637

If so, are you optimistic about Xiaomi car?

Xiaomi SU7 has been delivered for less than a week, and the heat is still unabated. Lei Jun, who is good at "doing things", even issued a document saying that Xiaomi has officially become a car factory. Should everyone call me Director Lei? Subsequently, it triggered a wave of network attention.

In recent months, the topic of praise and criticism about Xiaomi automobile seems to have never stopped. Even Jia Yueting, who will be back next week, shouted from a distance that "Xiaomi automobile copied" … Although "keeping the rice" is not groundless, Lao Jia is also suspected of rubbing the heat.

In fact, from preheating, listing, to the military opening the door for users personally, so that many people know or know Xiaomi car, there are so many traffic and topics, which is really unprecedented, but I don’t know if anyone will come later. It is estimated that Xiaomi’s first SUV will be listed next time.

It is worth noting that the scientific and technological media are more lively, and many people are waiting in line to pick up their cars. There are more than a dozen pieces of information about SU7 on media social platforms every day, as if they will be eliminated by the industry as long as they don’t print orders and take photos of their cars. There are even media teachers shouting: The millet SU7 sold from 215,900 yuan is too cost-effective, and you can buy it with your eyes closed.

In the era when traffic is king, the super-high heat really makes Xiaomi SU7 have the capital to enter the automobile circle, but the car is not a technology product such as a mobile phone. It takes a family several years’ savings for a car. Is Xiaomi SU7 really worth starting with?


Excessive marketing, can you replace the "low-end" label?

Subjectively, we expect Xiaomi’s first new car, which should mainly be cost-effective, because on mobile phones, Xiaomi starts at this selling point. However, when it comes to the car, Xiaomi SU7 obviously wants to take off this coat. Lei Jun has completely denied the guesses of netizens such as "99,000, 149,000 and 199,000" long ago.

Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, also bluntly said: It will be a bit expensive. Xiaomi SU7 is a C-class high-performance eco-technology car with excellent performance, configuration and experience.

However, the price war since the beginning of the year, BYD’s glory version has made the mainstream new energy vehicles evolve from "the same price of oil and electricity" to "the electricity is lower than oil", and the extremely standard technology platform of 800V has also become the standard for mid-to high-end new cars this year.

The entry-level version only provides a 400V platform, and the price of Xiaomi SU7 is nearly 220,000. It is really difficult for people to be associated with labels such as cost performance and kindness. However, apart from the first batch of online celebrity and the media, it is still unknown how many rice noodles are willing to spend real money on credit cards. According to official data, the number of large orders exceeds 100,000, the number of locked orders exceeds 40,000, and the return rate exceeds 40%. The actual delivery capacity still depends on the sales volume in April.

Besides being disappointed with the product, there is also a reason for the high return rate. According to the data released by the research organization Jielan Road, Xiaomi mobile phone users mainly buy new energy vehicles in the range of 100,000-180,000 yuan. The pricing of Xiaomi SU7 is different from the target users. Can it be achieved if they want to stand firm in the car circle or seize other user groups?


Competition in the core area is not that simple.

From the positioning point of view, Xiaomi SU7′ s pure electric medium-sized and large-sized car is the core section on the market at present. Competitors at the same level include traditional car companies, new forces and the second generation. After the price adjustment this year, the watershed between different families is gradually becoming clear.

Like Changan Qiyuan A07 and BYD Han, the starting price has entered less than 200,000, and the main selling points are long battery life, large size and spacious space, etc., and the product image is more pragmatic; However, Krypton 001, Zhijie S7, Aouita 12, etc., which focus on high performance and smart driving, are relatively sophisticated.

From the price point of view, Xiaomi SU7 is obviously moving closer, but what is the core selling point support?

We won’t talk about the parameters of Sandian and endurance performance, which is basically the same as that of mainstream models; In terms of actual experience, in competing products at the same level, the back row space is not too large; The eco-cockpit of people and cars, which remained mysterious in the early stage, only interacted through Xiaomi’s terminal equipment, but we can also realize most of the functions through applications; Intelligent driving system is not as amazing as Huawei and Tucki.

Taken together, perhaps there is only one appearance that looks like Taycan. At the moment of emphasizing originality and recognition, can users really accept a new car with "reverse" traces at a high-end price of 200,000? Objectively speaking, the sales volume of medium and large cars in pure electric vehicles is not high. The average monthly EV of Han is about 10,000, and the average monthly EV of Extreme Krypton 001 is about 6,000. It is already the champion and runner-up of the same level.

By analogy with the selling price, if Xiaomi SU7 can sell more than 10,000 vehicles a month, it will be a breakthrough for China brand, and it will be the one closest to Model 3.


Delivery is just the beginning, and Xiaomi has to go through three levels.

New energy has entered the elimination period, and the future will be a decisive battle of comprehensive strength of cost, technology and scale. This sentence can be said to be the consensus in the industry.

For Xiaomi automobile, it is indeed the advantage of latecomers to have good marketing and ecological linkage, but building a car is a long-distance race, and consumers tend to be rational. In the end, the competition is still the real effort of self-developed hard power and word of mouth.

At present, Xiaomi’s intelligent driving and ecological advantages have not been fully demonstrated, and it has just passed the first level of delivery. After that, it has to pass the production and marketing climbing, product quality and word-of-mouth maintenance, and now the consumer market inspection has just begun. ……

Copyright/Produced by Car Review Society/Zhu Qiang

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