Celebrate the Lantern Festival: Do not forget your initiative mind steps on the song.

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, February 19 th: Celebrating the Lantern Festival: Do not forget your initiative mind steps on a song.

  Xinhua news agency reporter

  "Since ancient times, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of time is hard to buy. My son, you should know that this time is precious. Keep it in mind from now on." In Fanting Cultural and Sports Square, Yuanping City, Shanxi Province, the local Jin Opera Troupe is performing the classic play "Three Mothers and Godsons", and thousands of spectators gave out cheers.

  Similar scenes are being staged all over the country. On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, various celebrations were held in Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Guizhou and other places, so that the masses could truly spend a colorful traditional festival.

  On the morning of the 14th day of the first month, Rongcheng Cultural Center held a series of cultural activities, including traditional folk games such as solve riddles on the lanterns, painting lanterns, and rushing through the Dragon Gate, as well as live performances by inheritors of paper-cutting, dough sculpture, flour flower, tanghua, martial arts, straw weaving, Tai Chi and bean flour lanterns.

  At six o’clock on the 14th day of the first month, in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province, many citizens waited in front of the Enshi Grand Theatre early, holding tickets for the performance of "People’s Lantern Festival" and consciously waiting in line for admission. Ten minutes before the performance, the Enshi Grand Theatre, which can accommodate 1,200 spectators, was full, and there were still many citizens outside the gate who wanted to come in and watch. The performance created by Hubei National Song and Dance Troupe includes vocal music, dance, opera, sketches and other artistic works, which makes the atmosphere very active.

  Make Lantern Festival, solve riddles on the lanterns, kick shuttlecock, experience dragon and lion dances, and recite the classic beautiful article & HELIP; … In the Confucius Institute located in Huaxi District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, the activity of "Telling riddles and dancing lion dragons and golden pigs, Nafu and Lantern Festival" started in the performance of "prestige gongs and drums" and "dragon and lion dance" on the morning of the 15th of the first month. The citizens who entered the scene first beat the drums in front of the gate to welcome the new year and get the blessing card, and then quickly occupied the four activity areas of "Tour Park", "Lantern riddle area", "Classic Narration" and "Folk Performance", and there were long queues in front of almost every project.

  Festival activities "there are thousands of songs and dances", and promoting excellent traditional culture is the common theme of various celebrations. Humorous, humorous and grounded performances provide the audience with a spiritual feast, which embodies the people’s yearning for punishing evil and promoting good, etiquette and filial piety, and a better life.

  Shanxi Opera, also known as Shanxi Bangzi, with strong local flavor, is euphemistic in melody, cordial in tune and clear in explanation. In 2006, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage and a "must-order program" for local Lantern Festival cultural activities. "The art of traditional Chinese opera has a strong practical significance. A drama like" Three Mothers Teach Children "tells the story of a mother’s hard work in raising her children. It is not only educational, but also promotes traditional culture and positive energy." Feng Shichun, head of the Shanxi Opera Troupe in Yuanping City, said.

  Zhang Shitao, the general planner of Hubei Enshi People’s Lantern Festival and the propaganda planner of Hubei National Song and Dance Troupe, said that the literary and art troupes should care about the major events around them. This Lantern Festival has a work "Interesting Poverty Alleviation" that reflects poverty alleviation and a work "My Father’s IOU" based on the phenomenon of left-behind elderly people. "It is to pay attention to the phenomena around us through cultural activities and cultural programs and conduct positive energy."

  Deng Aihong, an Enshi audience, couldn’t help but shed tears when watching "Father’s IOUs": "all the virtues’s filial piety comes first. Filial piety to parents is not only to make them worry about food and clothing, but also to accompany them more and help them achieve their wishes."

  "How can such a beautiful festival be less than a non-legacy project?" Wei Xu, director of Rongcheng Cultural Center, said. In the series of cultural activities of "Colorful Intangible Cultural Heritage Lantern Festival", more than a dozen inheritors of intangible cultural heritage projects presented their works, including lifelike paper-cuts, vivid and sweet tanghua, vivid bean flour lamps, dazzling straw weaving, dough sculpture and flour flowers, as well as live performances of Chen Taiji and sand martial arts & HELIP; …

  "There should be such an atmosphere during the holidays." Qiu Haili, a parent who participated in activities with her children at Rongcheng Cultural Center, said, "It is very meaningful to let children feel the charm of traditional culture."

  At the activity site of Confucius Institute, 1000 lanterns hung attracted the attention of every participant. There is a riddle under every lantern. Half of the 1,000 riddles were originally created by Guiyang Lantern Association, a folk group, and almost no answers can be found on the Internet.

  Xiao Juanlie, president of the Lantern Festival Association, said: "Lantern Festival is an important project of China traditional culture. This activity allows more people to participate and is also a way of inheritance."

  Among many traditional festivals, Lantern Festival has a unique charm. It has been passed down for thousands of years, and on this day, the land of China "looks at thousands of doors like a day, laughs and swims", enjoying the lights of the world and appreciating the endless life, which is a long and lasting cultural self-confidence.

  "A confident new cultural city is shining/Looking up at the starry sky/My dream is flying together with the spring in Yuanping", and Li Liying, a poetry society in Yuanping, wrote "Flying, Spring in Yuanping", which won unanimous praise. On the eve of Lantern Festival, Yuanping Federation of Literary and Art Circles held the 2019 Spring Festival Poetry Meeting of "Elegant Yuanping Times Huazhang", which attracted more than 100 local poetry lovers.

  "To embody the spirit of Yuanping in a poetic way, to embody a new era and a new journey, we all want to Do not forget your initiative mind and step on the song." Han Yuguang, vice chairman of Yuanping Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said. (Note holder Yan Xiangling; Participating reporters: Wang Hao, Tan Yuanbin, Xiao Yan)